terça-feira, 9 de junho de 2020

9, A, B e C Inglês Profa. Celina

Caso de dúvidas entrar em contato com e-mail: celinalanzetti@gmail.com

Aprenda uma lista de desastres naturais em inglês com tradução. Esse assunto é comum em países com alta incidência de terremotos, tsunamis e outros fenômenos naturais. Confira:
Chuva de GranizoHailstorm
Deslizamento de TerraLandslide
Erupções VulcânicasVolcanic Eruptions
Redemoinho de VentoWhirlwind
Tempestade de NeveBlizzard
Traduza as frases abaixo com vocabulário apresentado:
1. Inundação, enchente: Flood
A devastating flood in Brazil’s northeast has killed 38 people and left nearly 100,000 people homeless. 
2. Seca: Drought
 The drought that struck the midwest in the 1930s was perhaps the greatest natural disaster the United States has ever experienced. 
3. Terremoto: Earthquake
 Earthquakes are common in Japan. 
4. Maremoto, Tsunami: Tsunami, Tidal wave
 The exact cause of the tidal wave was not immediately known. 
5. Chuva de granizo: Hailstorm
 They sheltered from the hailstrom in an old house. 
6. Deslizamento de terra: Landslide
 More than 7,000 soldiers, firefighters and medical staff are now at the scene of the landslide. 
7. Erupções vulcânicas: Volcanic eruptions
 There were big volcanic eruptions in Guatemala. 
8. Ondas de calor: Heat waves
 There’s a heat wave in the Chicago region. 
9. Epidemias: Epidemics
 This was the worst dengue fever epidemic in Brazil. 
10. Tempestades: Storms
 In a nationwide broadcast, they said the storm lasted only fifteen minutes.
11. Fome: Famine
 The USA should use all this money to end the famine in Africa. 
12. Impacto ou colisão de meteoros, cometas, etc: Impact event
 The collision of a meteor with the Earth is a myth.
13. Tornados: Tornadoes
 A tornado is approaching the island rapidly.

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